Why bother learning grammar?  You might be thinking, “In day-to-day life, most adults are not asked to define a noun or identify a preposition, so why bother learning that stuff?  It’s irrelevant in real life.  I can speak English; I do not need to analyze it.”

            There is some validity to that argument, but let’s take a quick sidestep to the human body.  We all have a body.  Some people know the proper terminology for many parts of the body and have a basic understanding of how the body functions.  Other people basically know nothing.  

            When something goes wrong, which people will be better able to communicate the problem and be better able to discuss and understand possible solutions?  Those who know nothing about the body or those who already understand some of the terminology related to the human body?  Probably NOT the one who knows nothing.

            Grammar terminology might not seem to be important in everyday life but clear communication IS.  Whether your communication is spoken or written, you want it to be clear, accurate, efficient, and valued.

            Now, let me ask you this, who is going to be in a better position to identify, discuss, understand, and correct communication errors?  Those who have a basic understanding of the terminology of and how English works or those who feel rather clueless?

            If we think back to the human body, is it possible for people to stay alive if they know nothing about the human body?  Yes.  Is that what you want?  Do you want to live in survival mode or do you want to take responsibility for your health?

            At the same time, is it possible to speak English and know nothing about the language?  Yes.  Is that all you want?  Do you want to slide by and hope people “get” what you are saying or do you want to take command of your language and make it work for you?  

            If you want to make it work for you, hop over to the 0003 Who is Mrs. English. Then slide over to 0004 Preposition Practice Prior to the Presentation for your first bite of English grammar.  If you missed 0001 What is English with Mrs. English, click and take a peek.             Before you go, please remember sign up for my email newsletters and like, comment on, and share this post.  You can also find me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.  Now meet me on YouTube and subscribe to English with Mrs. English! (Links are below!)

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