Do you learn best from reading or from hearing and seeing?
Guess what? Regardless which way you answered, English with Mrs. English can help you.
Obviously, this blog/website will provide you with written encouragement, advice, and lessons–especially regarding grammar, but this site is only one element of English with Mrs. English. The other element is a YouTube channel with the same name, which has bite-sized videos that are ONLY 1-3 minutes long!
Every time I post a new YouTube video, I will also write a corresponding post here that will transcribe or summarize the video. You can identify those posts because they will be labeled with a number and the letters YT, which corresponds to the YouTube video. After watching the video, you can come here to review what you watched. What if you start at my website? Don’t worry! Each post will contain a link to the related YouTube video, so you can then hear the content you just read.
Is that the only purpose of this site? To summarize English with Mrs. English YouTube videos and post related content, such as worksheets?
No. That is the primary purposes of this blog but not the only purpose. Consider the following.
Words have the ability to
empower and enslave . . .
reveal and conceal . . .
release and entrap . . .
uplift and slam down . . .
bless and curse . . .
both the giver and receiver.
How do you use your words? How do you process the words you hear and read?
Through this blog, I also want to empower you to take control of your words and to use them wisely.
Choose to uplift yourself with your words.
Choose to bless others with your words.
Choose to disregard words that mislead or distort truth.
Too often words are thrown around carelessly.
Too often a plethora of words spill from a person’s mouth,
but the person’s true meaning still remains unspoken.
I hope that through our partnership you will improve how you choose your words and that you grow to make every word accurately reflect what you have to share.
The study of English grammar is often shunned and disregarded—condemned as unnecessary. However, grammar allows us to dissect and reassemble the content of what we say in order to be better understood. If you are going to build a house, your efforts will be more successful and easier if you understand the names and uses of the building materials. I will talk more about the purpose of grammar in “YT0002 Why bother learning grammar?” on YouTube and on this blog/website.
Why wait to get started? Go on over to and watch “0001 What is English with Mrs. English?” on YouTube (or read about it on this website). Since the videos are short, you can watch more than one before you return to this site, but do return and return often!
Besides summarizing the YouTube lessons, upcoming posts will also encourage you to improve your communication, to ponder and process your thoughts, and to examine what others say and how they say it.
Thank you for taking the time to visit English with Mrs. English. Please sign up for my email newsletter, make a comment, and share this post before you head over to my YouTube channel. Then follow and subscribe to English with Mrs. English on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.