Lesson List

Lessons and related information are listed in the order they are presented.

0001 What is English with Mrs. English?

Discover the purpose of this site—”bite-sized” pieces of English grammar to make grammar review easy and doable on a busy schedule for adults (and kids).

0002 Why Bother Learning Grammar?

Are you thinking, “In day-to-day life, most adults are not asked to define a noun or identify a preposition, so why bother learning that grammar stuff.?”   If you do not care if anyone listens to what you say, then grammar is a waste of time.  However, if you want your thoughts and ideas to be valued by others, then find why learning grammar is a good idea.

0003 Who is Mrs. English?

Discover who Mrs. English is, but more importantly, remind yourself that you have the power to take a hold of English and make it work for you.

0004 Preposition Practice Prior to the Presentation?

Why would anyone memorize a list of words before learning what they are or how they are used?  Find out here.

0005 What are Prepositions and What Good are They?

What are prepositions and what do you do with them?  Find out here and download your copy of Prepositions Perk up Presentations:  the Word List and the What.

0006 Why Start with Prepositions?

A sentence can be a sentence and not have any prepositions, so why start learning grammar with prepositions?  Find out here.

0007 What is a Noun?

Nouns are pretty important.  People live, die, and sacrifice for nouns, so what is a noun?

0008 What are Articles?

Articles point to nouns.  Learn to identify them and use them to find nouns.

Find prepositional phrases with nouns as the objects.  Also learn how to diagram prepositional phrases and download a practice sheet with 100 sentences.  Remember to download the answer key, too!

This is the Place for You.

Refresh your knowledge–or learn for the first time–elements of the English language in bite-sized pieces to fit your busy schedule.  If you have kids, then you can enjoy tackling the English language together as they will be able to digest these bite-sized pieces as well.  If you are not sure if English with Mrs. English is for you, read (or view on YouTube) “What is English with Mrs. English,” “Why Bother with Grammar,” and “Who is Mrs. English” to be encouraged and motivated.


COPYRIGHT © 2020 Gayla English a/k/a English with Mrs. English.  Please see Privacy/Terms of Use regarding content from English with Mrs. English site and YouTube channel.