Contact English with Mrs. English
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Sometimes websites are not as helpful as we would like them to be, especially if they are created by someone who is a beginner at setting up websites, like me! Fortunately, we can connect in ways beyond a computer screen.
Do you have a question about a lesson? Do you have a question about a part of grammar or writing which does not yet have an answer in a lesson (blog or YouTube video)?
Do you have a teaching-style suggestion? Do you have a website suggestion? Do you have a different, positive suggestion that I could consider?
Do you have a problem with something on the site? Do you have a praise about how something is presented or resources available?
Do you just want to say, “Hi”? Regardless, hop to the right and send me a message.
Feel free to share what's on your mind.
COPYRIGHT © 2020 Gayla English a/k/a English with Mrs. English. Please see Privacy/Terms of Use regarding content from English with Mrs. English site and YouTube channel.